Forest Park Adventist® Christian School

Building Character for Eternity
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Forest Park Adventist Christian School is committed to academic excellence and the building of strong moral character. The students that come to FPACS need to embrace the values that this school stands for and to willingly accept the standards and rules that govern the school. Admission to the school is based on the understanding that this school expects conduct based on Christian values. Our school is not equipped with the staff to counsel troubled youth, neither are we are able to provide special education classes for children. Acceptance for admission to FPACS is based on the review of all school records from other schools, and an interview with our Principal, Parent Advisory Committee member, and the Teacher who will be teaching your child. Your child will be placed at a grade level based on their current academic status determined by placement testing. Since we have multi-grade classes, students will be taught at an academic level that will be challenging, but not overwhelming. We want your child to be academically successful and not become too easily frustrated by a program above his or her ability. It is very important that your child wants to be at this school. Many children do very well in this school and excel in an environment that gives them an optimal opportunity to learn and progress at their own speed. This school program only works when we do not have to spend undue amounts of time disciplining children who do not want to be here. We encourage you to take time with your child educating them about what they can expect at this school. We will work with you to help you understand what you can expect and to make this an optimal match for both you and the school.


Application for admission is encouraged in advance of school opening to allow sufficient time for the transfer and analysis of records by the Administrator and/or Board. Children applying for Kindergarten should be at least five (5) years old by midnight August 31 (WAC 180-39-010), and first grade must be six (6) years old by midnight August 31 (WAC 180-39-015). A physical examination is required of students entering formal education for the first time, and all students must meet the legal requirement for immunization in accordance with Washington State Immunization Law (RCW 28A.31.118). Proof of immunization must be presented as part of school enrollment procedures. By June 15, 50% of the Entrance Fee must be submitted to the school, to preregister your child for admission in August. The Entrance Fee is not refundable. Financial obligations from the prior year must be paid in full as a prerequisite for enrollment and continued attendance.

Please click on the links below to access the online application form as well as other needed forms.

Online application to Forest Park Adventist Christian School

Click here to access the Authorization for Administration of Oral Meds

Click here to access the school calendar for 2023-2024

Click here to access the FPACS Handbook

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